Thursday, January 06, 2005

extremely belated holiday greetings

Better late than never, as they say, so...


Here's hoping you had a Christmas celeb with your family, relatives, friends and/or loved ones. Mine went well, despite the experience of cramming to have my nephew and niece's gifts wrapped up on the eleventh hour! The family's complete. The food is great [I experimented on a recipe that my 'roomie' Tria shared with me, Buffalo Wings! Fortunately, my crowd bought the almost-adobo-tinola-pseudo-buffalo-wings!]. The following day, like we always do, the family went to Dad's hometown in Bay, Laguna.

The following days passed swiftly. I had to prepare my case reports due January, and they total A HUNDRED AND EIGHT! I had to buy gifts, wrap them, as an errand for Mom. And, I have a MOCK REUNION to organize. Add to that the burden of having a really bad sore throat, occasional fever and runny nose. It is an irony to call it a 'break' huh!

Nonetheless, things went well. It was another merry Christmas! =)

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