Wednesday, December 28, 2005

merry christmas....despite an aching molar

merry christmas everyone!

better be late than never, as they always say.
in my case. this has been the rule and not just one of those darn cliches. hehehe.

minus the unpleasant sensation that this tiny fluoride-sucker cavity-hater tooth has been giving me since december 19th, my christmas was fantastic. the whole family, close relatives, the gifts, the food. let me not get so sentimental; otherwise, you might infer that this is all but a part of the many symptoms that indeed, i am getting old. =D

i hope Jesus was as happy as i am, moreso that it's His birthday. i was not able to get him the present as promised. but i hope that He will still accept late ones. =D besides, i know how happy He was that this sleep-hungry monster was able to complete the nine-day novena mass [aka misa de gallo] for His birthday. yipee! although i know, i can imagine Him scratching His head every 4am whenever He sees me snatching some sleep - during the Homily, or the prayer of the faithful, or the 1st reading. sorry po! and oh, by the way, did i mention that i was not even sitting during mass? =D

christmas is also a great time when you get to see and be with people you hardly get time to be with. last year, i remember seeing my entire december fully loaded with christmas parties, get-togethers and reunions. this year, i only had two. but these were just as special.

december 22nd. i met with carol, joyce and mayette at glorietta 4 to catch up on forgotten and never been shared chikas. i was two hours late. we were supposed to meet 12 noon and have lunch. unfortunately though, i woke up past 10 and was hurled with the SLEX heavy traffic on my way to makati. tuloy, i was penalized. =) after a few chitty chats, we went to starbucks for mayette's stickers and made more chitty chats - ranging from the kalokohan of our blockmates during 1st year, the still kalokokohan during last year's ever first block reunion, the diminishing popularity of some chief of a lion's den, school stuffs, bar worries and with the latter of course, we have to shift to talkin about our block, 1J.

ours was a really special block. first year, college of law, san beda. seemed too serious? nah. hilarious will perfectly decribe the many escapades that our nine-female-and-the-rest-is male section has undergone. from a flying bat captured in our room, to the synchronized 'happy birthday' ringtone that caused the ire of a prof at the adjacent room, the drinking bouts... the memories of those happy 'gago' moments with our block will surely outlast the provisions we have etched in our minds.

next stop.

after the long overdue meeting with my hairstylist paolo at fix salon [christmas gift for myself hehe] and my 'make-me-look-as-if-im-one-bella-flores session with the eyebrow 'threader' [hehe,if there is such a word],i met with my UP friends/orgmates, my fellow sandiganistas at the recipes, GB3. we were supposed to meet at 7pm. i came in an hour late. at least i am consistent!!! =D

there, after five long years of not seeing them [well, you can make it 'almost six' after i have been really dq-ish on my fourth year in up], blue, betong and rhea, monds and christine, and later on, mommy twinx! boy i was so happy relinquishing the tambay moments, the asaran... sobrang saya. there were lots of catchin up, especially on my part and i was so happy to be with them again. but there were not-so-goody stories as well. we went home before 12am. bitin. there's work the following day pa [ako lang ata bum, hehe] so we were left with no choice but to part ways early. twinx drove me home, which gave us more chika time. well, i am just as hopeful that this isn't the last! =D

uh-oh, have to sleep. there'll be tooth eviction in a few hours.

1 comment:

Monique said...

nice to know you had a good christmas! :)