just ended an unusually long chat with jen, a highschool "fwen." feels nice spending some nice talk with a more-than-a-decade-old friend and having her share with you her happiness as she's about to walk down that aisle this october.

yup yup, the (most) eligible girl among our kada will finally tie the knot. who would ever thought that she'd be the first. aside from kaye, jen was the last who had a boyfriend. jen was the most masungit to boys among us, despite being the most attractive. i remember during college, xan and i even had a bet on who between jen and kaye will be the first to have a bf. [which reminds me, ei tokti, where's my ice cream? =D ] now, she is the first among us girls who'll take that "road we desire to travel." we wish nothin but the best for our dear jenpot. =)
let me also wish the best for my inaanak, eduard rollan ravelo lapuz. a new addition to my list of cutie, charming and adorable godchildren. i only say yes to the cutie ones eh, hehe.

thanks to ate ehla and erwin for letting me be a part of the dear big baby boy's life. last sunday was baby's baptismal and ninang was so sorry that she ran really late.
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