last night, 28 july, maan and i had our first taste of seeing how 'young' people are now - at 28 years of age.
we planned on having a haircut and binging at g4 afterwards. by chance, maan saw tokti at sm and invited her to our salon session. tokti had her nails done, maan and i had our mane chopped, and i also indulged in a 30-min massage. then, maan and i ate sisig at dencio's, as planned. tokti then invited us for a treat at ice vodka bar in greenbelt.

upon goin inside, the bar, contrary to other bars we've been to, isn't mausok. tokti ordered majito (minty drink, it's good actually) for us as her treat and we proceeded to people-watching. there's this american couple who, after a dance are kissin openly. then there's this pair of two men where we stood next, whom we assume to be metrosexuals (since they seem oblivious to the world!). there's these 2 pairs of couple (whom i assumed just met there), wherein the male's a foreigner and the girls are filipinas. after some bolahan which i heard (hmmm, yeah okay, i eavesdropped!), the two pairs went out and we took their seats. maan on my right, and tokti on my left.
grabe, the two girls seated across us seemed like college kiddies with three boy kiddos. sadly, the girls kept dancin despite that (or was that deliberate? i dunno) their backs are close to the men (hustlers i suppose) seated next to them. then there's this girl who really, really danced wildly - and was subsequently joined by a guy who's as wild as she was, and another girl trying to steal the light from them (perhaps!). susme, maan and i are soooo shocked. kulang na lang mag-undress ang mga bata!

sarap na sarap sa cake at feel na feel ang new 'do na nirampa
nahimasmasan lang kami with the white choco dream AND the choco cake at coffee bean!
til next time (*wink)!
(thanks tokti)